When we think negative thoughts or speak negative words about another person, it is in essence a psychic attack on their well-being. Your thoughts energetically travel to that person and your negative energy creates a dark spot in their energetic body. This is true even if they are never aware of the thoughts you think […]
Tag: energy
Daily Meditation – May 25th, 2013
Physical appearance is something that many of us all been taught to scrutinize. We may spend quite a bit of time in front of the mirror, looking too closely for every possible flaw. Some of us may even change clothes multiple times while getting ready every day, finding something wrong with every outfit we try […]
Daily Meditation – May 24th, 2013
It is important as we move through life to stay centered in a place of LOVE. When we focus on the love that we already feel, it continues to grow all around us. Releasing fears is a huge part of fully embracing love in your life. What are you afraid of? It’s time to let […]
Daily Meditation – May 23rd, 2013
Look for confirmation of your path in the little things. Many of us are moving forward into new territory, exploring things that we hardly even imagined before. The scenery of your life may be changing drastically and sometimes it’s hard to be sure if you are moving in the right direction. Spirit provides confirmation for […]
Daily Meditation – May 22nd, 2013
Many of us are cycling through some intense changes lately. Things may seem to be moving faster than you can keep up with, and you may be feeling overwhelmed by all that you’re facing at the moment. Releasing is a big part of change, and the process can feel deeply painful. Honor the emotions that […]