You may find yourself in the midst of the process of opening. And, oh, what a painful process it can be! When it feels like everything is falling apart, trust that everything is indeed actually falling together. Something must be removed from your life to make space for a new thing that will be more […]
Tag: arizona
Daily Meditation – June 2nd, 2013
What is the purpose or message of illness? It is,first and foremost, a message to slow down. Perhaps to remove many external obligations from your life and begin to do some internal exploration. Illness comes when we are in some way out of balance, as it is true that the body will always work to […]
Daily Meditation – June 1st, 2013
What is your relationship to the idea of asking for help? Do you consider it to be a sign of weakness or something to be ashamed of? Maybe you, like me, have moved beyond thinking of it this way, but it is still a stumbling block on some level. And yet, when we have been […]
Daily Meditation – May 30th, 2013
We all have days where we just feel exhausted, where our energy is low and we sometimes can’t even explain why. Our constant connection to technology can contribute to this in many ways. For the physical body, there is the eye strain from screen use, the shoulder and wrist strain from using a keyboard, and […]
Daily Meditation – May 29th, 2013
Modern spiritual leaders speak sometimes on the concept of playing the victim. I’ve read comments about how someone who feels like a victim needs to step into their own power and stop creating negative circumstances for themselves. I’ve read that those who feel they are a victim are weak and unable to hold themselves accountable. […]
Daily Meditation – May 28th, 2013
What is it that you love to do? Are you creating time for it in your life? Passions are so important to maintain, especially with how busy our modern lives can become. When you lose track of time while lost in an activity, it can serve as a form of moving meditation. You will release […]
Daily Meditation – May 27th, 2013
Spirit communicates with us in many ways. Are you listening? Quiet your mind for a little while and see what inspiration arrives. Offer up any dilemma you may be facing and ask for guidance. It may arrive in the form of a sudden solution becoming apparent to you, or it could be a quiet repetitive […]
Daily Meditation – May 26th, 2013
When we think negative thoughts or speak negative words about another person, it is in essence a psychic attack on their well-being. Your thoughts energetically travel to that person and your negative energy creates a dark spot in their energetic body. This is true even if they are never aware of the thoughts you think […]
Daily Meditation – May 25th, 2013
Physical appearance is something that many of us all been taught to scrutinize. We may spend quite a bit of time in front of the mirror, looking too closely for every possible flaw. Some of us may even change clothes multiple times while getting ready every day, finding something wrong with every outfit we try […]
Daily Meditation – May 24th, 2013
It is important as we move through life to stay centered in a place of LOVE. When we focus on the love that we already feel, it continues to grow all around us. Releasing fears is a huge part of fully embracing love in your life. What are you afraid of? It’s time to let […]